Lightweight Insulation
WATER SEAL EMULSION W.H Production Description Water Seal Emulsion W.H is based on balanced combination of siloxane pigments and finely dispersed emulsifying agents. Uses Water Seal Emulsion W.H is especially suitable for the following applications:
- As an addictive for effective and economical bonding slurries.
- For wear resistant, masonry and brick surfacing.
- For surface coatings where higher chemical resistance is required.
- Greater bond on brick, stone, plaster and concrete surfaces
- Improved workability
- More uniform surface finishing
- Greater water tightness and chemical resistance
- Improved cracking behavior
- MULTI AA 640 ADMIXTURESProduction Description Multi AA 640 Admixture is a concrete plasticizer with a wide dosage range suitable for different concreting operation.Uses
- Improved surfaces
- Placing concrete in difficult conditions
- Pre-cast elements
- Reduced water without loss of workability
- Increased strength
- Improved surface finish
- Reduced shrinkage and creep
- EPOXY FLOORINGProduction Description

Crack Filler
Crack Filler is known as elastomeric coating , flexible single pack waterproofing membrane made out of 100% pure acrylic polymers. It is used to fill Hair line cracks on walls and terrace. It provides a smooth and sheen finish to all surfaces. Suitable for joint sealing wood floor installation mold proof etc. Multipurpose gap filler and joint based on special polymer. It is very easy to apply to fill the gape and joints subject to a limited amount of movement, such as:
- Concrete Panel
- Walls and Roof Cracks
- Wood Gap Filler
- Metal Joints Filler

Water Seal 101

Mastic Seal

Water Seal 250
All type of roof water proofing and insulation coating we are pleased to introduce acrylic membrane coating joint free by the name of water seal 250. It is 100% blastomeric plastic seizer premium grade architectural finishing coating. It has been specially created for the use where atmospheric conditions in which no effects of salts, acide, Oil Heavy Rains and ultra voilet waves resistance up to 75% by mixing of various chemicals and to acheive magnetic field ...